Submission Information

The complete manuscript plus a cover letter (signed by the corresponding author) should be submitted via email attachment to: or (all official communication will originate from these email addresses).

The subject line should include the term “Article Submission”

The authors are responsible for all statements and claims made in their work and such claims and statements are not necessarily shared by the Editors and the Publishers of JBSPR. In addition, the Editors and Publisher do not guarantee any claims made concerning advertised products or services. The author should ensure that they prepare their manuscripts in compliance with the information provided in the Instructions to Authors

The cover letter (which should include conflict of interest statement for all authors) should be addressed to the address below.

The Journal can be reached via any of the contact details below for clarifications and comments.

 The Editor-in-Chief
Journal of Basic and Social Pharmacy Research
c/o Department of Clinical Pharmacy and Biopharmacy,
Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Lagos,
Idiaraba Campus, Idiaraba,
Lagos, Nigeria

To see the Instruction to Authors